THE DOTS WE CONNECT
                                                       CHIBU NDUBUISI 1/5/2017

Peace be to you.

Historians use records to connect the past and future, comparing notes,events and linking patterns that teaches us lessons for posterity. It was through studying rulers in various environments that made this proposition that "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" became a universally accepted truth . The case of president Al Assad of Syria is a case in point. The case of the North Korean leader Kim in Asia is equally another. When we look at Africa,  many examples abound. Sciences on its part, use experiments to connect the dot with the propositions of many universally accepted theories that helps explains phenomenons.

To connect the dots of our dreams there must be practical commitment on our part for its materialisation.  However, connecting a dot can be positive or negative.  A society that  entrenches a culture of oppression and promotes poverty with evil policies, weakens the fibers that connects us to different fabrics.  It should be of no surprise to all that the level of unrest in the land is traceable to the gradual weakening of the fibers that has held us together. The conscious bastardisation of the educational system and as we all know that when a skewed educational system is propagated, ruination becomes the destination. That is were Nigeria is heading at a geometric progression.

We cannot connect the dots effectively when we disconnect a unit from the general fibre that connects our social fabrics.  When we disconnet the unit of education for example the society suffers greatly as we have seen lately how the level of illiteracy and poverty abounds in every nooks and crannies of the place.

Until the budget allocated to education increases our budget on defence will continue to increase because instead of fighting the war of peace with words we will now use weapons to fight it, which diminishes us all and our environments.

Steve Jobs advised that "you cannot connect the dots looking forward, you only connect the dots looking backwards". As parents, can we look back in retrospect on how we have trained our children and wards and say that we led them on the path that promotes peace or on the path that gives us terrorism?

Nigeria is celebrating workers day today,but within us all, we know that the Nigerian worker deserves better. If this trend of neglecting the Nigerian worker continues,  so will bribe taking and all other work place vices continue unabated and we will never connect anything worthwhile. Workers are owed for months, what type of dots do we intend to connect?

To connect the dots, lets vote for education that promotes peaceful coexistence. Lets vote for dignity of labour.
Happy workers day.

Peace be with you.


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