
Showing posts from December, 2017


BLANK SHEET: THE LANDSCAPE OF POSSIBILITIES C(2018) CHIBU NDUBUISI 1/1/2018.(Week 1) Peace be upon you. Israel Salanter noted that; When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. But I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my country. When I found I couldn’t change my country, I began to focus on my town. However, I discovered that I couldn’t change the town, and so as I grew older, I tried to change my family. Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, but I’ve come to recognize that if long ago I had started with myself, then I could have made an impact on my family. And, my family and I could have made an impact on our town. And that, in turn, could have changed the country and we could all indeed have changed the world. What this simply means is that “there are some dimensions to our own inner development that simply cannot be addressed without our engagement in the wor


THE NEXT BATTLE (c) 2017 BY CHIBU NDUBUISI. 25/12/2017 (WEEK 52) Peace be upon you. Why must we be battle ready for the Next Battle? The reason to get ready for the next battle is that in this age, people are losing themselves without knowing it. How are we losing ourselves? Jonathan Sacks raised a warning that “today, too many children live in poverty and illiteracy, dying for lack of medical attention because those who rule nations prefer weapons to welfare, hostage taking to hospital building, fighting the battle of the past rather than shaping a safe future, it is the lesson the world has not learnt”. “The tragedy is that if you lose a hand or leg you know, but when you lose yourself, you are no longer there to know it”. We can fight against losing ourselves by making conscious efforts to help contribute in solving the “Solvable Human Misery” (SHM) as Bill Gates puts it. He went further and galvanized a Coalition for Endemic Preparedness Innovation


FROM SHARED SENSIBILITIES TO CONCRETE ACTIONS © 2017 By CHIBU NDUBUISI 18/12/2017 Peace be upon you. What do you sense? How do you react to what you sense? Is your reaction proactive or reactive? When you sense poverty, disease, intolerance and indifference, what motivates you to action or indifference? This write up is not about what we truly sense but how the issues we sense propels us to proactive actions. Bill Gates writes on how we can focus on the solvable part of the equation in solving the “Solvable Human Misery” (SHM). Decision making is part of the success equation. What decisions and commitments are we making today to help shape a better, peaceful and more secure future? In his 2017 TED talk Jonathan Sacks titled “Facing the Future Together Without Fear” he averred that “when we have too much of the “I” and not enough of the “WE”, we find ourselves vulnerable, fearful and alone and that civilization


                                       PERILOUS TIMES    (C) 2017                                           BY CHIBU NDUBUISI.    11/12/2017    Peace be upon you. The experience of captivity and slavery in Libya reminds us of Thomas Hobbs state of nature. We are no longer talking about animal poaching but rather we are confronted with the harsh reality of human organs harvesting for business deals. The recent recognition of Jerusalem by President Donald Trump as the capital of Israel will further intensify the call to global jihad. We are still not through confronting terrorist organizations like ISIS, Boko Haram and their ilk. In Nigeria, a unit in the Nigeria Police Force called Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), are accused of intimidating citizens, engaging in extra judicial killings and torturing people to death. We are witnessing the resurgence of kidnapping on a higher scale now; we are not forgetting the University of Maidu


NEARING THE ECLIPSE OF IGNORANCE AND POVERTY RELATED DISEASES: THE FUTURE AHEAD. CHIBU NDUBUISI. 04/12/2017.                      Peace be upon you Not all diseases are related to poverty or ignorance, but many diseases that affect humanity shows that the world still needs to do more to help mitigate the causative factors of some of these  pandemics that are becoming endemic in many regions of the globe. In his essay “Disease of Affluence and other paradoxes” Clive Hamilton poses many deep and searing questions about the affluent world. He asks, (a) if high income, the object of so much determined effort fail to improve our well-being then why have we striven so hard to be rich? (b) Has the pursuit of riches required the sacrifice of those things that do contribute to more contented and fulfilled, such as the depth of our relationship with each other, our links with our communities, a deeper understanding of ourselves and the human