

©31/12/2020      CHIBU NDUBUISI

Peace be upon you.

Words become works- Seneca

Words create worlds- Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

Words became flesh and dwelt among us-John 1;14


As the year 2020 draws to an end, we have come to know and understand the meaning of words like ‘COVID 19’, Lockdown, Quarantine, Social distancing, Face mask, Palliatives, have all come to define the year 2020. We have seen and witnessed how these words have created so much work for people, created so many worlds and made flesh of so many variables in our lives that were not operating optimally or lying fallow and equally tearing some worlds apart and building other worlds.


Jonathan Sacks notes that”you change the world not by the idea of power but by the power of ideas” these ideas are rooted in words. Joe Biden equally quipped that “you change the world not by the example of power but by the power of example” and these examples as we know are “words and works made flesh”.


According to the bible, God said “let there be and there was”. According to Charles Darwin, his evolutionary theory argues about “the BIG BANG”. After the “BIG BANG”, the worlds that have continued to grow have been worlds enabled by words and works.


I decided to put down this note and draw a leaf from the “Ten Scrolls” by O G Mandino that “always will I take another step, it that is of no avail I will take another and yet another step”


Even if this pandemic left me in despair, I will still take another step of hope.

Even if this pandemic left me separated or divorced, I will still take another step of love.

Even if this pandemic left me jobless, I will still take another step to rebuild my life

Even if this pandemic left me in debt, I will still try to start again in humility and sacrifice.

As we prepare to navigate into 2021, I will advise that we make our words become flesh in people’s lives, we make our words become works in people’s lives and make our words build better worlds for others.


I will leave you with the words I have come to cherish in my life which is “PEACE BE WITH YOU”.








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